News and Announcements

Sunshine Hydro formalises MoU with new partners | Appoints new VP Sales & Business Development
- Published September 08, 2022 12:00AM UTC
- Publisher Wholesale Investor
- Categories Company Updates
Sunshine Hydro Announces Recent Company Developments
Appointment of excellent new leader as VP Sales & Business Development
We are excited to welcome Chris Evans to our team who joins as VP Sales & Business Development. As an excellent leader and knowledgeable proponent of the green energy transition, Chris will communicate, educate, and share our vision to decarbonise the planet for the benefit of future generations as he sets about meeting organisations from the pumped hydro industry around the world.
To keep informed on our ever-evolving product and service offerings, please contact Chris Evans directly. We thank Chris for joining our team and are privileged to have him on board.
Formalisation of MoU with Gidarjil Development Corporation and Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG)
To further the development of the mammoth project, the developers behind our pumped hydro renewable energy project have partnered with Gidarjil Development Corporation and Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG).
The “world first” super-hybrid green hydrogen project that we have launched earlier this year has been valued at up to $5.5B, combining as much as 1.8GW of new wind generation and 600MW of pumped hydro with 18 hours of storage. Also known as the Flavian super hybrid project, the project will provide power to 300MW of hydrogen electrolysers, 50MW of liquefaction, and a 50MW hydrogen fuel cell, allowing the capacity to produce 65 tonnes of green hydrogen a day.
We have formalised an MoU or a Memorandum of Understanding with Gidarjil Development Corporation and BMRG. This was formalised with First Nations representatives from the Gurang and Gooreng Gooreng peoples in a ceremony involving a Welcome to Country, smoking ceremony, as well as the launch of an Indigenous project name inspired by the traditional local language, Djandori gung-I, meaning ‘spirit in the water’.
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