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Mastering the Art of Raising Capital: Patience, Diligence, and the Journey to Venture Capital Success

  • Published April 16, 2023 11:00PM UTC
  • Publisher Jade Miguel
  • Categories Capital Raising Tips

As founders, we often approach our ventures with impatience, optimism, and confidence. However, the reality of raising capital can be a harsh wake-up call.

Initially, we envision investors eagerly investing in our amazing business or idea. After all, we are our own biggest fans, having invested significant time and energy into our projects. However, the capital raising process often exposes the flaws in our businesses, leading to a continuous cycle of rejection. Some founders may start to self-destruct or blame others for their inability to secure venture capital.

The truth is, raising capital is rarely a quick process. It requires patience, diligence, and a methodological approach. Sometimes, investors may only decide to invest after several years of knowing about your business. They wait for specific milestones that move them from being fence-sitters to committed investors.

However, there are instances where investors commit after just one phone call. This is often due to years of hard work, dedication, visibility, strategic communication, and an investor-friendly capital-raising process aligning with their investment thesis.

It’s essential to remember that 90% to 99% of investors may not be interested in your business. Your goal is to find the 1 to 10% who will. To succeed in raising capital, consider these six principles:

  1. Be diligent and persistent in your capital raising efforts.
  2. Maintain visibility and create your own serendipity.
  3. Aim to attract 50 investors to your deal room within the first two months.
  4. Communicate with potential investors 4 to 12 times per year.
  5. Understand that more people are watching your progress than you may
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