News and Announcements

Healthtech with first purchase order valued at $153K, launched new product and onboarded new pharmacy chain
- Published November 17, 2022 5:40AM UTC
- Publisher Wholesale Investor
- Categories Company Updates
Tismor Pty Ltd
Tismor Pty Ltd and HFS Ltd formally engaged in July 2022 “global media release”. Tismor is a customer of Kfibre wholesale ingredients.
HFS and Tismor are working together on a range of products to utilize Kfibre and the first Purchase Order for 38,000kg of Kfibre, valued at $153,000, which was received and shipped in October.
As the largest health and wellness blending company in Australasia, Tismor is growing into a major contributor to HFS’s future planning.
SE Asia
In September of this year, HFS staff visited Vietnam to train Buy2Sell marketing staff on Kfibre, since then Buy2Sell has introduced Kfibre retail to its network with excellent results, Buy2Sell has since returned a full sales and marketing plan to HFS for Vietnam and will be supplied from the current run of Kfibre-original and Kfibre-pro tubs being manufactured from the 7th -14th November.
September was also the month where HFS/Kfibre had a booth at the food and beverage show in Singapore, this has resulted in several good leads for both Kfibre retail and Kfibre wholesale and these are being actioned.
Pharmacy chain/s
HFS has been successful at onboarding the pharmacy chain Pharmacy 4 Less with 120 stores, these stores are stocking in December 2022 and will be supplied from the current run of products manufactured in November.
Distributors and E-commerce
Healthy Life, a subsidiary of Woolworths, is running gut health marketing in December and January across the holiday period with links back to Kfibre products.
New product launch
HFS’s new product PhyteQuine has been launched with an outreach program to racehorse trainers to trail the product, early feedback from trainers on the gut health benefits they are receiving has been excellent.
Connect with the company and learn more about Health Food Symmetry Ltd. by accessing their deal room here.
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