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EpiAxis Therapeutics Enters Partnership With UHN
- Published October 13, 2022 11:58PM UTC
- Publisher Wholesale Investor
- Categories Company Updates
EpiAxis Therapeutics, a leading epigenetics company with a
focus on cancer treatment and prevention recurrence, and University Health Network (UHN) – Canada’s largest and leading research hospital – have entered into a collaboration to study a new approach to prostate cancer treatment.
As part of the agreement, EpiAxis Therapeutics will supply its lead peptide candidates for assessment in UHN’s prostate cancer models, with the aim of dramatically enhancing the ability to improve treatment and survival of men with lethal prostate cancer (CaP).
EpiAxis Therapeutics CEO Dr Jeremy Chrisp said that while next generation genomic technologies have deepened the understanding of prostate cancer development and evolution, they have arguably reached a therapeutic plateau.
“Most FDA-approved indications are for established targets in earlier disease states, rather than novel targets,” Dr Chrisp said.
“Our first-in-class assets have dual action and target dormant chemotherapy resistant cells while also improving the immune response against the persisting cells.
“EpiAxis is very pleased to be supplying our lead peptides candidates to UHN in hope of accelerating innovation in the treatment of CaP.”
Dr Hansen He, Senior Scientist at UHN’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, will be leading the project utilising EpiAxis’ lead peptide candidates.
Dr He’s research program focuses on understanding epigenetic mechanisms underlying cancer development, progression and therapy response, with the aim of identifying epigenetic biomarkers and therapeutic targets to improve treatment outcomes for cancer patients.
“We are excited to collaborate with EpiAxis to target epigenetic regulator LSD1 in advanced prostate cancer. This leverages our deep understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms and the potent effect of LSD1 peptide inhibitors developed by EpiAxis,” Dr He said.
EpiAxis is a leading drug development company that aims to make cancer a chronic disease rather than a fatal one, by using epigenetic science to create a completely different approach to cancer treatment. Our therapies work differently to existing – and often toxic – treatments by reprogramming the cancer cells back towards normal cells. For more information about EpiAxis
University Health Network consists of Toronto General and Toronto Western hospitals, the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and The Michener Institute of Education at UHN. The scope of research and complexity of cases at University Health Network has made it a national and international source for discovery, education and patient
care. It has the largest hospital-based research program in Canada, with major research in arthritis, cardiology, transplantation, neurosciences, oncology, surgical innovation, infectious diseases, genomic medicine, and rehabilitation medicine. University Health Network is a research hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto.
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