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  • Published September 30, 2022 12:00AM UTC
  • Publisher Wholesale Investor
  • Categories Company Updates

In an interview, Aegros talked at length on the next 3 stages of capital requirements and usage of funds, including the current raise of $10m, the progress of the clinical trials, and the third-party validation of Aegros.

Aegros’s Clinical Trial is going extremely well. With that, the big news is that the company has had its first product CovimmuneTM and the HaemaFrac® machine and process endorsed by both the University of Queensland and the Kirby Institute. 


Click here to see the paper released by Aegros, the University of Queensland and the Kirby institute.

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In the interview and in the attached summary, Professor Nair explains why risks in the second arm of the clinical trial are low and should give comfort to early-stage investors in Aegros.

Investors in biotech companies are with good reason wary of the risk of failure of a new product in clinical trials, because the human body is complex and there is the chance that a new drug may not work or have side effects. 

In the case of a hyper-immune that has been proven in laboratory and first-stage clinical trials, it is different. The reason is that the anti-bodies in the hyper-immune have been produced by real human bodies and have been formed in response to exposure to the latest strain of Covid virus. There is no reason why these anti-bodies, when injected into an immune-deficient patient, will not work, because they have been formed for exactly that purpose. Aegros also talks at length about this in the interview.

What makes the Aegros technology unique and so valuable, is its ability to preserve and concentrate these antibodies, unlike the aggressive conditions used in incumbent plasma fractionation processes. When one understands the nature of the Aegros separation system, this is no surprise. Also, there should be no surprise when in the future the Aegros system is demonstrated to produce effective hyper-immunes to a wide range of infective diseases, which are expected to become more prevalent with deforestation, climate change, increasing resistance of humans and animals to antiviral and antibiotic agents, and the spread of pathogens through our antiquated water treatment infrastructure. The latter is a problem with low public awareness, and that has even been suppressed politically, but it is a topic of discussion for another day. The point is that even if Covid disappears tomorrow, there will be increasing need for the Aegros hyper-immunes and their ability to produce them quickly, and from small volumes of blood and plasma. We also discuss this in the interview update!


The significance of the joint publications of Aegros personnel with senior personnel of the Kirby Institute is that respected researchers like Professor Anthony Kelleher (Kirby Director) will not have their names on such papers unless they are entirely convinced of the merit of the claims. 

These papers state that the hyperimmune produced by Aegros is effective against any evolving strain of Covid. This gives credible and independent support to the claims made previously by Aegros, and bode well for a positive outcome of the second arm of the clinical trial and subsequent approval by the TGA. We do not expect that Prof Kelleher would have agreed to co-author these papers without expecting positive outcomes from the clinical trial. This should give investors like me great comfort. 

Although these papers only refer to Covid, it can be expected that Prof Kelleher and colleagues would appreciate the significance of this development in the sense that Aegros offers a solution to a wide variety of infectious diseases.   

If you want to revisit the last update Pulse did with management regarding the clinical trials, you can watch it here.


Aegros is also raising up to $10m at a price of $7.50 with 1 option for every 2 shares issued if funded by the 15th of October 2022: 

Use of Funds:

  • Manufacture Covimmune™ for the stability clinical trial
  • Commence the manufacture of the clinical trial batch and lodge stability data with the Human Research Ethics committee (HREC)
  • Purchase equipment to scale-up the Sydney Plant to processing capacity of 100,000 litres of plasma pa
  • Working Capital

For existing options holders there is a special offering that if you exercise by the 15th of October, you will get the following as there are two ways to increase your stake in Aegros:

If you currently hold $2.30 options and exercise them by the 15th of October, you will receive one bonus Aegros $5.00 (Expiring Dec 31, 2023) option for every two $2.30 options you exercise.

If you currently hold $5.00 options and exercise them by the 15th of October, you will receive one bonus Aegros $5.00 (Expiring Dec 31, 2023) option for every two $5.00 options you exercise.

Connect with the company and learn more about Aegros by accessing their deal room here.

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